Don't Miss Our Upcoming Fall Farm Days

Want to sell tickets to special events directly from your website? You can try integrating apps like Calendly or Eventbrite directly into your britelime Showit website. 

It can be a great way to make scheduling for special events simple and easy for your visitors!

Schedule Your Trip to the Farm

you can integrate other apps into your showit website to make things like ticket sales/reservations, etc. easier for your website visitors to sign up for.

Don't Forget to Include Directions! Or Change This Page Entirely!!

If your customers will be visiting your business in person, it's really helpful to include directions to your physical location. You can even integrate Google Maps into your website to provide interactive directions to your location. 

If you don't have a physical location and won't be needing a Visit page, you can simple change the name of the page and modify the content to fit your small business. Possible pages include things like "Services", "FAQs", "Meet the Team".

And it never hurts to think outside the box! Think about the kind of information that would be a benefit to your customers and include that on your website! When you establish your small business as a resource you'll soon find that customers elevate their perception of your business and your brand!